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DALL·E 2023-11-17 16.12.33 - Create a futuristic, gamer-style cover image for the 'Portfolio Jam' event with a 16_9 aspect ratio. The central feature should be the text 'Portfolio.png

What the heck is a Portfolio Jam?

It’s a game jam but you work alone on your portfolio. We then have “playtesting” and the coolest portfolios can win some prizes (more about this below). As always, there is food and a place to work. This is an important step for preparing your journey in the game industry.

It is worthwhile to notice that we are planning to have a career and recruitment fair during GGC 2024 and you will need a portfolio to participate in that. So this is the perfect opportunity to get started.

Even if you are not graduating at the end of this year, it is invaluable for you to get started making a portfolio as early as possible because:

Website Builders

There are a million ways to skin a cat. Pick the website builder or tool to build your portfolio that best resonates with you, seems to have a reasonable business model, etc. The following website builders can be used to build a portfolio website and I have seen portfolios from in the wild:


Kick Off




Project Management

Date and Time What is happening?
Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 10.00 The Jam starts with individual kick-off talk on Zoom for each minor (Programming, Graphics, Project Management, Open Minor).

Master's students should join the kick off for the minor that resembles their role in project work the most | | Wednesday, December 6, 2023 from 12.00 to 15.00 | Gotland Game Hub Community PopUp at Rindi from 12.00 to 15.00 | | Wednesday, December 6, 2023 from 13.00 to 16.00/17.00 | 1-on-1 mentoring with industry professionals on Zoom, Booking links will be made available in the coming days | | Saturday, 9th of December 2023 | Lunch (at 12.30) and space to work at the G-house | | Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 16.00 | "Playtesting" with Dinner (be ready to set up 15.50 in B25/27) | | Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 18.00 | Voting deadline. You get to vote on the best portfolio you have seen. Vote using the name of the person whose Portfolio you loved. | | Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 18.30 | Award ceremony - Announcing top 3 portfolios - Winners share their portfolio on the stage as inspiration |

The Mentors

All of the mentors are Alumni, by the way! So they have been in your shoes.



Clément Pirelli - Software Engineer at EA Frostbite

Programming Slides

Programming Recording



Kim Aava - Key Environment artist at EA DICE


Isaac Olander - CEO at Tallgran

Graphics Slides



Eric Osana - Co-Founder at Nexile

Project Management


Daniel Gustafsson - Product Lead at MAG Interactive

Project Management Slides

Project Manager Portfolio summary.pdf

Book 1-on-1s

The expectation here is that you will listen to the kick off, get started on your portfolio, and then, quite quickly, hit a wall and will want feedback on your thoughts and work. So make sure to book a time in advance to ensure a slot.